Montag, 27. Februar 2017

!!!!New Footage of Shape-Shifter-Aliens!!!!


Unbelievable but true: As you can undoubtedly see in the picture, Alex Jones, our beloved info-warrior is actually a shape shifter from a different planet.

No, Mr. Icke he is not one of those green lizard things, you are trying to convince us about since years – he is actually from a species of giant hairy jellyfish. Hence, Alex Jones is from the same species as Kim Jong-un and two thirds of the American population. Jellyfish shape-shifters are believed to originate from Uranus and are characterised by a permanent flow of Bullshit emanating from a hole in the lower part of their face-like front. The bowl in the picture probably contains some residues of such Bullshit and the thumbs-up gesture of the jellyfish once again proves how proud these creatures are of the Bullshit they produce.

Fortunately, the disguises of those jellyfish-shape-shifters is not as sophisticated as those of the lizard ones, so we can hope for more totally genuine footage soon.